Process | | | Responsibility | | | Description |
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Step 1:Identify need for new or updated policy | | | Policy Owner | | | - A gap analysis should be conducted to identify the need for a new or revised policy.
- Outdated policies (last revised more than 2 years ago) should be reviewed and updated.
- Planned new policy developments and updates must be communicated to the WCM Policy Office and relevant stakeholders.
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Step 2:Research | | | Policy Owner and Policy Office | | | - The Policy Office can assist with gathering relevant WCM, Cornell University, Columbia University and NYP policies.
- The Policy Owner should review relevant policies to establish a framework for policy development/update.
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Step 3:Plan | | | Policy Owner | | | - Policy Owner is responsible for using the WCM standardized template to create policy outline/format. [Click here for template].
- Refer to [Link – Policy Office 101] for guidance on planning and outlining your policy.
- Note: If you are reviewing an outdated policy, the policy should be transferred into the new WCM policy template regardless of any changes to the policy. Policy standardization is considered a “substantial change” requiring an updated “last review date.”
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Step 4: Draft | | | Policy Owner | | | - Draft initial policy on the standardized WCM policy template. Make sure the “DRAFT” watermark is visible on all copies of the draft policy.
- Note: Draft policy Word document names should be labeled to clearly state, “DRAFT,” “WCM,” policy number, policy name, version number of the draft and the date of the version.
- Example: DRAFT_WCM-CPO-C-400-Name of the Policy_v1 5.28.24
- Collaborate with other departments, if necessary. Depending on the content of the policy, the Policy Office may suggest collaboration with certain departments/individuals for input.
- Share initial draft internally with department/office leadership for review
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Step 5:Notice & Comment | | | Policy Owner and Stakeholders | | | - Finalize draft (department leadership has reviewed and approved the draft) and share with relevant stakeholders (i.e., Office of General Counsel, Compliance and Privacy Office, Human Resources, etc.) for input.
- Revise Accordingly. Any revisions made after the initial finalized draft, should be reviewed again by department leadership and the stakeholder group (if applicable) for approval.
- Finalize again (if necessary).
- Note: After the policy draft has been finalized internally within the department and by all stakeholders, remove the “DRAFT” watermark, make sure all edits/comments/track changes are removed from the document and save it as “FINAL” in the document name. The only two sections that should be left blank in this final policy version is the “Approval Date” and the “Approved by” sections.
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Step 6:Review & Approval | | | Policy Owner and Approval Committee(s) /Leadership | | | - Submit final policy to relevant Committees and/or WCM leadership, if applicable, for review and approval. (At this point there should be minimal to no policy changes
- Share final approved policy with the Policy Office
- Final approved policy should be saved as a Word document AND as a PDF
- Complete “Approval Date” and “Approved By” sections
- Save both Word and PDF versions as follows:
- WCM-CPO-C-400.##-Name of the Policy-[Approval Date (DD.MM.YYYY)]
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Step 7:Publication, Communication & Education | | | Policy Owner and Policy Office | | | - The Policy Office will publish the new/revised policy and archive the retired/expired policy.
- The Policy Office will work with the Policy Owner to develop and implement a communication plan to notify all individuals impacted by the policy.
- The Policy Owner will draft the content for institution-wide notification of the policy, if applicable.
- The Policy Office will roll out the communication plan
- The Policy Owner will create and implement an education plan for the policy, if necessary.